Bootcamp Nation is here to unite communities through fitness events, fitness classes and personal training.
empower your community
boost engagement and well-being

At Boot Camp Nation, we bring the gym to you, offering a variety of fitness classes, exciting events, and personalized 1-on-1 training as exclusive amenities for your community. Our goal is to create a vibrant and healthy living environment where every member of your community can thrive, fostering a sense of connection and engagement among residents.
JOIN online trainING
You design your health, wealth and self!

Personalized Approach
Dive into a program tailored just for you, featuring customized workouts with step-by-step video tutorials designed to meet your unique fitness level and goals.
Nutrition Made Simple
Receive a personalized meal plan crafted to optimize your energy, boost fat burn, and fuel your body right, ensuring you’re nourished every step of the way.
Interactive Coaching
Engage in weekly online Q&A coaching sessions, allowing you direct access to expert insights, guidance, and motivation to keep you on track and inspired throughout the challenge.


Join The Online Training Community
The Time to Join is now

Bootcamp Nation Results

Meet Coach JT

As your personal trainer, I’m excited to be part of your journey. I’m dedicated to keeping you motivated and helping you stay accountable. My passion for health stems from my personal transformation and self improvement. I was broken down financially, jobless, lost everything, heart broken, sick, reputation ruined and labeled a felon. I poured myself into becoming the best possible version of myself inside and out so that my children can see their father become King and dominate his own reality.